
Tancak Kembar Waterfall in Bondowoso

Tourist attractions in Bondowoso East Java - Bondowoso is one of the districts located in the eastern part of Java Island, or commonly referred to as the Horseshoe area. The regency is adjacent to Banyuwangii Regency in the south, Jember regency in the west, Probolinggo regency in the west, Regency of Situbondo in the north. Bondowoso regency is one of the districts that do not have the sea, so the main livelihood of the people here is farmers. Situbondo regency has cool temperatures, as it is located between several mountains, among others Raung Mountain, Mount Ijen, Gunung Argopuro Mountain, etc. The natural potential of the mountains owned by Bondowoso Regency has caused the regency to be visited by tourists from various regions. And on this occasion tour Indonesia will discuss about tourist attractions in Bondowoso. What are the tourist attractions that we will discuss, continue to see until yes guys.

Location of the most favorite district and became the mainstay of Bondowoso District is Ijen Crater. Crater Ijen Bondowoso has a length of 3 km of climbing path, and can be reached about 1.5 hours. Climbing to the crater is quite difficult because it has a fairly steep road access. However, you can enjoy the beauty that is second to none in order to reach the crater lip. Do not forget the jacket yes guys, because the temperature is quite cold Crater Ijen, can reach 2 degrees Celsius.

Tancak Kembar Waterfall in Bondowoso

This waterfall is one of the waterfall is high enough and has a steady stream of water. The tidal flow of Tancak Kembar is 77 meters high and 50 meters high, and is at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level. Tourist attractions Tancak Kembar Waterfall is located in Andongsari Village, Pakem Sub-district, Bondowoso District.

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